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Tuesday, 17 May 2022, 08:03 HKT/SGT

Insights from Davos: Web3 Consolidation Underway, Meta Alliance Launch, Web3 Reserve System

LONDON, May 17, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - A consensus is emerging from multiple Davos insiders that the next wave of consolidation is about to hit the Crypto Markets as awareness of Web3 Applications continue to drive volume, growth and outlook. Despite the recent crypto market crash this month, M&A is again on the rise as the Volume of Deals increased 50X over the past year to $55 billion.

"Since Web3 is the precursor to Metaverse market, our team has come up with a way for communities to combat some of the inherent volatility via the creation of a Reserve System for hedging NFT and digital assets," stated Edward Musinski, Founder of the Web3 Reserve System which is backed by Metabook.

"We help NFT owners and large enterprises to scale their digital asset initiatives by building another layer of Hedged Trust, Meta Alliance and Telewellness," UK founder Edward Musinski proclaimed. "We have built a highly efficient hedging solution, backed by a pool of NFT and tokens and governed via the Metabook DAO."

The Reserve pool is key to the growth of value, when innovations are shared with the community, and driven by influencers, like in case (beta version).

The Metabook Reserve pool will be comprised of partners' tokens with such utility as health, by health data exchange Aimedis, or XR promo, by Arcona.

The shared creative power of community will drive the mass adoption of blockchain, Metaverse and web3 solutions of Metabook DAO partners.

Plato Partnership. Connecting Web3 Applications with the Metaverse

We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Plato that is opening up the opportunity for some healthy community consolidation. Plato is an open intelligence repository and platform that unlocks the power of Vertical Search in a highly secure and scalable way. The platform is designed to provide an ultra-safe and secure environment to consume sector-specific real-time data intelligence while its interface allows used to seamlessly connect to web3 applications. We are pleased to make this announcement as a preview of what we are seeing in Davos this year.

About Metabook

Metabook by Meta Alliance is a B2B2C platform for mass adoption of web3 Innovation and the first decentralized MetaMarketing leadgen platform. For more information, visit

About Platoblockchain

Platoblockchain is the cross-chain Gateway to the world of Decentralized Gaming, Streaming, Metaverse experience. For more information, visit

Source: Plato Data Intelligence

Topic: Press release summary

Sectors: Crypto, Exchange, Blockchain Technology, NFTs, Metaverse, Games
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July 5, 2022 06:54 HKT/SGT
Metabook Launches Web3 / Metaverse Reserve System
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